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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Embark on something new

In roughly one month's time I will embark on the newest chapter in my life.

A new neighborhood.

A new job.

A new community of people.

A new church.

Certainly that's enough material for God to do some major work in my life. Certainly that's enough material for me to sit down and just pray. And pray I most certainly have. What is ahead of me is simply unknown. I have always been a dreamer and a planner. This time around is going to be different. The plan...

Well there is no real defined plan.

I will move back to Chicago in March to live with a family that I have known for about 3 months time. While living with them I will turn the page to a new job and leave an old one. From Willow Creek Community Church, the example of mega churches, I will transition onto staff at Sunshine Gospel Ministries, a ministry that has dedicated it's long existence to the renewal of the city starting with the margin. Literally, the opposite image of Willow world that started in Palatine with the question, "how do we reach the rich? Someone needs to church the rich."

I will leave the security of the affluence of my family's home for, quite literally, "the hood."

I have never been attached to a congregation before, but I have also never considered before being part of a church so, well, black.

Excitement doesn't even round the edge of how I am feeling about this next big step. I certainly have questions about this whole thing, but you know, I am going to leave the answering up to when and how God would like to take care of them.

Anxious yet calm...

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