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See interests... I'm a nerdy lover of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

youth ministry can be...

If you are the kind of person that has the patience to do youth ministry you are going to know my joys in the next few sentences. If you are a person who doesn’t you’ll at least appreciate my joy, maybe.

There is usually one thing that gets me really excited every week. That would be youth group night. I know that there are people who literally cringe at the thought of hanging out with teenagers and their slightly younger partners in crime, but I have to thank God so often that He has blessed me with a heart for this kind of thing.

Certainly there are some Wednesday nights that I want to scream into every pillow in my house (including the couch cushions) from the frustration that junior high school boys give off.

There are also times like tonight.

There are times when the kids are not kids anymore. They are like smaller – and sometimes not so smaller – people who are trying to believe and be in love with God as much as we “adult” leaders are, or think we are.

There are times when it is so obvious that in all the chaotic games of chase these young people are looking to love on those around them. Arguments get checked at the door, hugs replace handshakes, and an opportunity to be real lifts young, heavy burdens.

There are times when I can sit back, laugh, and say to God and to myself, “They get it.” There aren’t many things in this human world that can bring me more joy than to witness the young people that have been put under my influence looking like Jesus.

Tonight was one of those nights.

Tonight I am joyous.

Tonight I am thanking God again.